
About the Founder of Modern Pranic Healing & Arhatic Yoga

GrandMaster Choa Kok Sui Guru & Founder of Modern Pranic Healing and Arhatic Yoga GrandMaster Choa Kok Sui is a best-selling author and teacher, demystifying the field of energy healing. His ground-breaking work is now practiced at hospitals, clinics and healing centres in over 80 countries, around the world.  A Filipino of Chinese descent, he held a degree in Chemical Engineering and was a successful businessman. He conducted lectures and workshops worldwide on the inner sciences and has touched countless lives. At an early age, GrandMaster Choa became interested in spiritual topics and energy healing. He studied the works of the Rosicrucians, Theosophy, Astara, Huna, Kabbalah, and numerous similar systems.  His formal training as a Chemical Engineer and his sense of practicality helped him formulate his step-by-step approach to healing that later became the  Pranic Healing® system. For 20 years, Master Choa travelled virtually non-stop, p...

Possible Miracles' Managing Partners speak!

Possible Miracles' Managing Partners speak! SriVidhyaa Ramamurthy shares her story of starting and developing Possible Miracles... Hi..Atma Namaste! I started my active involvement in spreading Master's work in May 2012, after my teacher gave me a dressing down for hanging around in her Centre, without any concrete plans. There has been no looking back since then! Running a Centre was not on my mind at all. Master just led me to it in his own way in January 2015. My Centre, then, was a combination of physical and online presence. Things started moving at a gallop.  In 2017, my Centre moved from being a one-person initiative to a partnership, and Venkat and I launched our full-fledged Online Centre on October 12, of the same year. Before we knew it, we have now completed 2 successful years! Our complementary expertise has given us some unique advantages in giving a holistic approach to all that we do.  I come from a busin...

Possible Miracles team speaks!

“Individual commitment to a group effort – that’s what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilization work.” ~Vince Lombardi~ Possible Miracles is extremely proud of its loving, committed and dedicated team.  We are happy to work together in contributing to the social causes through the news-blessings projects, spreading Twin Hearts Meditation and special energy sessions called Reviving Spirituality in India. Thank you once again for your involvement, support and good wishes!  We look forward to helping you in your healing needs and having your continued participation in all our sessions.

About Possible Miracles

Vision   Possible Miracles aims at transforming healthcare raising quality of life, increasing  the percentage of prosperous and wealthy people in the society and setting new  standards in the way businesses are run.  Grandmaster Choa Kok Sui's teachings are the  bedrock on which these changes are being brought about.  Possible Miracles  is pushing forward the frontiers of Pranic Healing and Master's teachings to go beyond  personal healings and bring transformation in the society. Current activities of Possible Miracles Possible Miracles group sessions : Its new offerings of eyesight healing and prosperity  series news blessings project and other service projects are built on this vision of  Possible Miracles.  Its high-impact healing packages span various categories like  Physical health,  Emotional and psychological well-being,  Prosperity and business healing and  Relationshi...