Possible Miracles' Managing Partners speak!
Possible Miracles' Managing Partners speak! SriVidhyaa Ramamurthy shares her story of starting and developing Possible Miracles... Hi..Atma Namaste! I started my active involvement in spreading Master's work in May 2012, after my teacher gave me a dressing down for hanging around in her Centre, without any concrete plans. There has been no looking back since then! Running a Centre was not on my mind at all. Master just led me to it in his own way in January 2015. My Centre, then, was a combination of physical and online presence. Things started moving at a gallop. In 2017, my Centre moved from being a one-person initiative to a partnership, and Venkat and I launched our full-fledged Online Centre on October 12, of the same year. Before we knew it, we have now completed 2 successful years! Our complementary expertise has given us some unique advantages in giving a holistic approach to all that we do. I come from a busin...
I have learnt a lot from possible miracle group